Free Premium Stock Photos Girl is wearing a wide-brimmed hat that shades her face from the sun And  sitting on a wooden swing, which is suspended from two thick ropes

Free Premium Stock Photos Girl is wearing a wide-brimmed hat that shades her face from the sun And sitting on a wooden swing, which is suspended from two thick ropes

a slightly low angle, which gives the viewer a good view of the woman's figure. Her long dark hair cascades down her back in soft waves. The ropes are tied to tree branches, which are located on either side of the swing. The woman is holding onto the ropes with both hands and swinging gently back and forth. Her legs are crossed at the ankles and her feet are resting on the ground. The background of the photo is a lush green lawn, which is dotted with a few trees. The photo is taken in the early morning or late afternoon, when the sun is low in the sky. The soft lighting creates a warm and inviting atmosphere.

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  • Background : Not Transparent
  • File type : JPG/JPGS
  • Total View: 250
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  • Resolution: 6000 x 4004
  • File Size: 4.4 MB
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