A slightly low angle, looking up at a woman in traditional Vietnamese clothing

Free Premium Stock Photos A slightly low angle, looking up at a woman in traditional Vietnamese clothing She is standing in a field of green rice terraces, with a mountain in the background. The woman is wearing a black skirt, a colorful top, and a headscarf. She is carrying a basket on her back and a baby on her hip. The baby is wearing a red and white striped shirt and pants. The woman has a serene expression on her face, and she looks to be enjoying the moment. The photo is taken in a natural light, and the colors are vibrant and飽和. The composition is well-balanced, and the focus is sharp. The photo is a beautiful and touching portrait of a woman and her child.

Free Premium Stock Photos A slightly low angle, looking up at a woman in traditional Vietnamese clothing

She is standing in a field of green rice terraces, with a mountain in the background. The woman is wearing a black skirt, a colorful top, and a headscarf. She is carrying a basket on her back and a baby on her hip. The baby is wearing a red and white striped shirt and pants. The woman has a serene expression on her face, and she looks to be enjoying the moment. The photo is taken in a natural light, and the colors are vibrant and飽和. The composition is well-balanced, and the focus is sharp. The photo is a beautiful and touching portrait of a woman and her child.

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  • Background : Not Transparent
  • File type : JPG/JPGS
  • Total View: 42
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  • Resolution: 5000 x 3273
  • File Size: 3.4 MB
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