Free Premium Stock Photos looking up at a plane flying directly overhead black and white so the sky seems to be gloomy and grey

Free Premium Stock Photos looking up at a plane flying directly overhead black and white so the sky seems to be gloomy and grey

The plane is in the center of the frame, and the buildings on either side of it are perfectly symmetrical. The image is in black and white so the sky seems to be gloomy and grey. The buildings are tall and imposing, and the plane is a small speck in the sky. The image is a good example of how perspective can be used to create a sense of depth and space. The use of black and white also adds to the drama of the image, creating a sense of mystery and intrigue.

  • Free license:
  • Background : Not Transparent
  • File type : JPG/JPGS
  • Total View: 179
  • Total Download: 0
  • Resolution: 3680 x 2456
  • File Size: 2.3 MB
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