Free Premium Stock Photos A beautiful landscape of a rural area and Two women in traditional Chinese clothing are walking in a field of grass, and a water buffalo is grazing nearby

Free Premium Stock Photos A beautiful landscape of a rural area and Two women in traditional Chinese clothing are walking in a field of grass, and a water buffalo is grazing nearby

The sun is shining brightly, and the trees in the background are lush and green. The image is taken from a low angle, which gives the viewer a sense of perspective and depth. The colors in the image are vibrant and saturated, which creates a sense of warmth and tranquility. The image is well-composed and pleasing to the eye.

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  • Background : Not Transparent
  • File type : JPG/JPGS
  • Total View: 131
  • Total Download: 0
  • Resolution: 5000 x 3060
  • File Size: 3.8 MB
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