Free Premium Stock Photos A low angle, looking up at a woman who is jumping over a large rock

Free Premium Stock Photos A low angle, looking up at a woman who is jumping over a large rock

The woman is in mid-air, her arms and legs outstretched. Her hair is flowing behind her, and her face is turned to the side. The sun is setting in the background, casting a warm glow over the scene. The photo is taken in a rural setting, and there are mountains in the distance. The photo is in focus, and the colors are vibrant. The woman is wearing a blue tank top and black shorts. She has her hair in a ponytail, and she is wearing a watch on her left wrist. The rock is large and covered in moss. The water is a deep blue color, and it is reflecting the sky. The sun is setting behind the mountains, and it is casting a warm glow over the scene. The sky is a deep blue color, and it is streaked with clouds. The photo is taken in a rural setting, and there are mountains in the distance.

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  • Background : Not Transparent
  • File type : JPG/JPGS
  • Total View: 208
  • Total Download: 0
  • Resolution: 2048 x 1331
  • File Size: 512.0 KB
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