A woman sitting in a temple with her eyes closed and her hands clasped in prayer

Free Premium Stock Photos A woman sitting in a temple with her eyes closed and her hands clasped in prayer She is wearing a black shirt and there are other people in the background. The image is taken from a low angle, which makes the woman appear larger than life. The background is blurry, which helps to focus the viewer's attention on the woman. The image is a good example of how photography can be used to capture a moment in time and create a sense of atmosphere. It is also a good example of how photography can be used to portray a person's emotions. The woman in the image appears to be at peace and in a state of deep contemplation.

Free Premium Stock Photos A woman sitting in a temple with her eyes closed and her hands clasped in prayer

She is wearing a black shirt and there are other people in the background. The image is taken from a low angle, which makes the woman appear larger than life. The background is blurry, which helps to focus the viewer's attention on the woman. The image is a good example of how photography can be used to capture a moment in time and create a sense of atmosphere. It is also a good example of how photography can be used to portray a person's emotions. The woman in the image appears to be at peace and in a state of deep contemplation.

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  • Background : Not Transparent
  • File type : JPG/JPGS
  • Total View: 84
  • Total Download: 0
  • Resolution: 4256 x 2775
  • File Size: 1.8 MB
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