Centaur image with transparent background

Free Premium PNG Centaur  image with transparent background a half-man, half-horse creature from Greek mythology. The centaur is depicted as a muscular man with the lower body of a horse. He has long, flowing hair and a beard, and is wearing a golden breastplate and a quiver of arrows. The centaur is standing in a powerful pose, with his bow drawn and arrow ready to be fired. The background is a simple white, which helps to make the centaur stand out. The centaur is a symbol of strength, courage, and wisdom. He is also associated with the constellation Sagittarius. The centaur is a popular subject in art and literature, and has been depicted by many famous artists and writers.

Free Premium PNG Centaur image with transparent background

a half-man, half-horse creature from Greek mythology. The centaur is depicted as a muscular man with the lower body of a horse. He has long, flowing hair and a beard, and is wearing a golden breastplate and a quiver of arrows. The centaur is standing in a powerful pose, with his bow drawn and arrow ready to be fired. The background is a simple white, which helps to make the centaur stand out. The centaur is a symbol of strength, courage, and wisdom. He is also associated with the constellation Sagittarius. The centaur is a popular subject in art and literature, and has been depicted by many famous artists and writers.

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  • Background : Transparent
  • File type : PNG
  • Total View: 23
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  • Resolution: 960 x 666
  • File Size: 635.9 KB
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