Free Premium Stock Photos Milky Way stretches across the sky in a brilliant display of stars and dust

Free Premium Stock Photos Milky Way stretches across the sky in a brilliant display of stars and dust

The dark trees in the foreground provide a contrast to the bright sky, and the stars seem to stretch on forever. The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our solar system, and it is estimated to be about 100,000 light-years across. The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy, which means that it has a central bulge of stars surrounded by a disk of stars and gas. The Milky Way is thought to contain about 200 billion stars, and it is one of the largest galaxies in the Local Group of galaxies. The Local Group is a group of about 50 galaxies that are gravitationally bound to each other. The Milky Way is the most massive galaxy in the Local Group, and it is thought to be the second most massive galaxy in the Virgo Supercluster. The Virgo Supercluster is a group of about 100 galaxies that are gravitationally bound to each other. The Virgo Supercluster is one of the largest structures in the universe, and it is estimated to be about 100 million light-years across.

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  • Resolution: 3264 x 4928
  • File Size: 1.6 MB
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