Free Premium PNG Monarch caterpillar is a beautiful creature and bright yellow body with black stripes and white spots

Free Premium PNG Monarch caterpillar is a beautiful creature and bright yellow body with black stripes and white spots

It is about 2 inches long and has a plump, segmented body. The caterpillar has six legs and a pair of antennae. It moves slowly and deliberately, and it eats a variety of plants, including milkweed. The monarch caterpillar is a fascinating creature to watch, and it is a great way to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. This particular monarch caterpillar is in a defensive position. It has curled its body into a tight spiral and is exposing its sharp spines. This is a common defense mechanism used by monarch caterpillars to protect themselves from predators. The spines are poisonous, and they can deter predators from eating the caterpillar. The caterpillar will typically remain in this position until the threat has passed.

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  • Resolution: 1635 x 507
  • File Size: 574.3 KB
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